Specialities TRADITIONAL

Arm compression sleeves are used for the prevention as well as treatment and care of lymphedema of the upper extremities and are an important part of maintenance therapy.

ModelArm sleeves
Available compression classes
Available sizes
Available band options
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  • Skin-friendly: high breathability due to large-mesh fabric structure.
  • Pressure stability: high recovery force due to natural rubber.
  • Wear-resistant: up to 6 times better* abrasion results (* = less wear) in direct comparison with jeans (proven in wear tests).
    • Follow the instructions for care on the packaging and/or the textile labels. Wash inside a mesh laundry bag. The stocking must be stored at room temperature and in a dry place away from light. Keep away from direct heat.
    • For lymphedemas which regress easily and are soft; congestion and swelling following mammary amputation with and without postoperative radiation; post-traumatic and postoperative edemas following completion of basic treatment; polyarthritic tissue thickening; compression treatment for burns and for extensive scars; relapse prevention after successful decongestion with pronounced initial findings.
    • Medical arm sleeves must not be worn in the following cases:
    • Advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease PAD (radial arterial pressure < 60 mmHg, finger arterial pressure < 30 mmHg or TcPO2 dorsum of the hand <20 mmHg)
    • Severe cardiac insufficiency (NYHA IV)
    • Septic thrombophlebitis
    • Compression of an existing arterial bypass (epifascial)
    • Relative contraindications, whereby benefits and risks must be weighed up in particular:
    • Allergy against compression material
    • Inflammatory processes (compression products to reduce inflammation, pain, or edema in leg erysipelas or cellulitis should only be used in combination with antibacterial treatment)
    • Mild PAD (reduced radial arterial pressure in lateral comparison, but > 60 mmHg radial arterial pressure)
    • Pronounced exuding dermatoses
    • Blue or white coloration of the fingers, numbness of the hands
    • Primary chronic polyarthritis
    • Severe sensory disturbances of the extremity
    • Advanced peripheral neuropathy (e.g., in diabetes mellitus)
    • Polyamide: 70%
    • Elastodien: 30%